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Stephen H. Broudy Torah Dedication Ceremony


In a day of dedication and celebration, a Torah scroll will be ceremoniously inducted by the Chabad @ the Beaches’ Center for Jewish Life, on Sunday, March 7th. at 1:00 PM

Chabad @ the Beaches:
521 A1A North
(904) 543.9301
[email protected]

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  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Food 
  • Bounce house 
  • Entertainment for children

The Torah Scroll is dedicated in Memory ofMr. Stephen H. Broudy, of Ponte Vedra by his family and other friends and members of the community.
Jewish tradition says that a new Torah is to be welcomed into a community just as one welcomes a bride and groom. Accordingly, the scroll will be carried under a wedding canopy during the processional to the Chabad Center, and will be accompanied by live music and dancing, before being placed in the Holy Ark at the Chabad Center.




ספר תורה זה נדבת

This Torah is dedicated with love

Amy, Jaclyn & Ian Broudy

Beatrice, Benjamin & Idelle Broudy

Daniel Levy in honor of Herbert & Rebecca Levy

Dulcy Freeman in Memory of Israel & Florence Tarlinsky Feiden

משפחות ווילענסקי שיחיו Willansky Family

משפחת בן סמעון שיחיו Ben Simon Family

מנחם ונעמי זאב שיחיו Rotem Zaevi

יעקב בן ליאון שיחי Jerome Bonnet

דני ובנו איתן שטיינר-ספרא שיחיו Dan Safra

דוד וטובא ומשפחתו מויאר שיחיו Moyer Family

לז"נ ר' שמואל  אביגדור ב"ר פנחס הלוי
ורפו"ש יוסף דוד בן דאבא
Kurinsky/Kaplan Family

Additional Sponsors:
Simone Kilbourne Broudy

Moshe Kuperman
Gavriel Lankry
Avi Assor
Phillis Russakoff
Burton Minsky
Michoel and Sara Muchnik

Shmuel Druin
Pinny Gniwisch
