Your Info

First Name
Last Name
Zip Code

Seat Reservations

Number of Adult Attendees

Number of Children Attendees

 Please reserve for our children's program. We want your child to have a great synagogue experience! 

Adult Name 1
Child Name 1
Adult Name 2
Child Name 2
Adult Name 3
Child Name 3
Adult Name 4
Child Name 4
Adult Name 5
Child Name 5
Adult Name 6
Child Name 6
High Holiday Services I plan to attend
Please check all that apply.
Rosh Hashanah Eve. | October 2
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 | October 3
Children's Service   Evening Service
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | October 4

Children's Service 

 Evening Service

Yom Kippur | October 11-12

Meal Reservations

Join us for a New Year Community Dinner on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, following services.

Enjoy a delicious Rosh Hashanah dinner with all of the traditional High Holiday foods, great company, wonderful atmosphere, with friends and family.

No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Your confidentiality is crucial to us. Email Rabbi and you will be welcome as our guest.  

Sponsor $250 | Family $180  |  Adult $36  |  Military and Student $18  |  Child $18

Please indicated the number of attendees below

Adults Military / Students  Children


Become a Chabad Partner today or renew your partnership / membership for the 5785 new year!

Click here for more info (opens in a new tab)


Help Chabad bring more light to the community with your generous contribution.
I would like to make a contribution of

Payment Info

Seat Suggested donation is $180 each, not required.
Please submit your billing information below.
No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Your confidentiality is crucial to us.
Card Number
CVV Code
Total Amount to Charge Card